We got the keys…

Discovered buried under a pile of chairs, now and all ready for it’s new home

Discovered buried under a pile of chairs, now and all ready for it’s new home

We might be in by Christmas

Finally we have completed on our lease and now have a key to 62, Fore Street: possibly, just possibly we could open before Christmas, which we really need to, else our cash flow is pretty screwed!

So its action stations! All the things we have been planning for so long, all the moving part we have set in place all hopefully coming together in one perfectly aligned and cohesive moment - fat chance! So, we stumble on realising some of the things we thought were sorted weren’t, some of the things we thought would be quick aren’t, but at least we have agreed on what colour the selves should be.

The stock has arrived, all 119 boxes, which we have shoved to one side for now as the mammoth task of building and painting our lovely Argos bookcases and transforming them into gorgeous high-end bespoke bookshelves begins.

With a hopeful opening date of 12th December looming, the tables we bought at the refurbish centre unable to fit through our door and the heating broken we are making great progress. On the up-side we have gallons of 80% alcohol hand sanitiser…

First shelves getting their first coat

First shelves getting their first coat


We lost the keys…


Operation ABL: Argos Bookcase Liberation